About Us

Sports Risk Intelligence (SRI), is the next-generation adverse media screening platform tailored exclusively for the sports industry. At SRI, we are committed to revolutionizing due dilligence and risk management in the dynamic world of sports by providing cutting-edge solutions geared to support organizations operations to safeguard their investments, integrity and reputation whilst enabling senior stakeholders with informed decision making. Our platform combines advanced technology collaborated with industry-specific expertise, offering comprehensive adverse media screening to identify potential risks and threats upfront, in real-time and forward looking. Whether you are a sports organization, league, federation, sponsor, or governing body, our goal is to elevate your risk management and compliance and navigate the challenges of risk exposure in the sports landscape with confidence. Join us in shaping the future of risk management in sports through innovation, precision, and unparalleled intelligence.



To revolutionize the sports industry with our next-gen platform. Leveraging AI and data analytics to proactively identify and mitigate risks associated with athletes, teams, and sports entities.



SRI paves the way to become the industry standard solution for reputational risk management, due diligence, safeguarding integrity, empowering sports organizations to make informed decisions, and uphold the highest standards of professionalism.

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Empowering sports organizations to proactively manage and mitigate risks, ensuring transparency, trust, and long-term success.

To protect their brand, reputation, and financial stability.


The Future of
Sport Due Diligence

SRI paves the way to become the industry standard solution in the areas of vetting and safeguarding for athletes. staff, employees, sponsors and vendors. We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, activating enhanced decision making and less expensive insurance for sports leagues and clubs acquiring assets via lending.


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We ensure the protection of your organisation’s brand image, reputation and integrity whilst safeguarding your valued assets and investments.

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We empower you, as the decision maker, to make better informed decisions, minimize risks, and maintain trust.